例如:电是怎样来得?什么是fireman lift?
以下是关于fireman lift的种种:
-An elevator that could safely evacuate tenants during a fire would need to be protected from fire, heat, smoke, water, power loss and overheating of the elevator equipment, says Klote. Elevators in earthquake-prone areas would also need extra protection.
-Elevators can technically still operate during the very early stages of a fire — they are not called out of service until a fire alarm initiating device senses fire or smoke or an operator triggers Phase I activation manually. Elevators could therefore potentially be used to evacuate people with disabilities before Phase I activates, says Perry. Such an opportunity can be especially important in a high-rise building.
-Emergency power supply for lighting, ventilation and alarm systems for all passenger lifts shall comply with the requirements in SS CP 2 Code of Practice for Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Electric Passenger and Goods Lifts.
-In any building or part thereof, in which the habitable height exceeds 24m, or the depth of the basement is more than 9m below the average ground level, there shall be provided at least one fire lift, which shall be contained within a separate protected shaft or a common protected shaft containing other lifts subject to such other lifts being served at each storey by the fire fighting lobby, which is required by the provisions of Cl.2.2.13(b) of this Code.