
Progress report 9.7.09

学校有一个meet the parent session,爸爸没有出席。Teacher Salbiah把扬扬的学习报告(Progress report)交给爸爸,顺道要我填写一些关于你的“问题”。

1 What motivates your child?
爸爸:To cousin's house to play/to swim/to go cycling/to MacDonald/to eat sweet,ice-cream(give as rewards)
干爹:rewards,eg sweet,gai-gai,playground/encouragement with words,action and love

2 What Kind of things upset your child?
爸爸:when requests get turn down/sick(high fever and when cannot poo) /when get scolded/when ask to go to bed
干爹:sometimes when he wants certain things,if he did not get it,he will be irritated

3 List 5 words that best describe your child's character/personality?
爸爸:playful,cheeky/courteous,even greet strangers when we are out/nervous胆小/got the passion for animal,especially cats and dogs/自尊心很强

4 My child areas of strength are:-
爸爸:Love to learn new things,pick up fast/good memories/curious,like to ask why/举一反三,反应快/like to do things himself, eg eating,bathing,washing hand
干爹:curious and willing to learn about new things/inquisitive and attentive when inform about new things/able to anticipate what will happen next

5 My child struggles with :-
爸爸:how to share things with peer/want his own way
干爹:need a lot of attention and time given to him

6 Any personal or medical problems of which i should be aware?
爸爸:as a single parent's child,i need to make sure he is emotionally healthy

7 Do you have additional comments or concerns?
